Iconic Financial Limited traces its history back to 1987 with the name Financial Growth Centre Ltd. The name was changed to Iconic Financial Limited in 2010. Russell is the original founder and has been with the organisation since that time.
Many of our clients have been with us from the beginning and they often thank us for helping them achieve their goals and the retirement lifestyles they dreamed of. Our clients have told us they never expected to be millionaires! They mean the money they have in investment portfolios, not just the current value of their homes.
We are passionate about helping people and we are often involved with clients at the most difficult time in their lives, where there has been a tragedy in the family, or they have been diagnosed with a serious illness. The work we did in advance for them ensured they have little in the way of financial worries and can concentrate on getting well.
Nothing gives us more satisfaction than being able to play a part in making a tough situation a little more bearable and taking away some of the stresses involved such as liaising with insurance companies.