There are a multitude of KiwiSaver Funds for you to choose from, so how to you decide on the right one for you?
If you do not make a proactive choice, you will be allocated to a default provider and fund.
This may not suit your objective or get you to your retirement goal. The earlier you start your KiwiSaver fund the more you will accumulate.
If you are self-employed or a business owner there are additional considerations for you to think about and you can make investment choices which to not have the same restrictions on access to your funds – ideal if you wish to retire before the governments nominated retirement age (which is likely to increase).
KiwiSaver is not a set & forget investment. It is likely to be a significant contributor to your retirement lifestyle. We can help you set up (or move) your KiwiSaver Fund to best ensure your goals are achieved.
This is offered as a Free Assessment, with no obligation.
Your fund provider will never tell you should move your KiwiSaver fund elsewhere, we however work for you and if we feel, due to market changes, that you should move to a different KiwiSaver fund, we will let you know. We are working for you, monitoring your fund and helping you get to your retirement goals.